CONCOMITANT TOTAL THYROIDECTOMY AND RIGHT TOTAL MASTECTOMY PLUS AXILLARY LYMPH NODES DISSECTION (DEC.2022) CONCOMITANT TOTAL THYROIDECTOMY AND LEFT PAROTIDECTOMY IN 69 YEAR OLD FEMALE PATIENT (NOV.2022) LEFT TOTAL PAROTIDECTOMY FOR RECURRENT PAROTID MASS (OCT.2022) Right submandibular salivary gland excision (Sep.2022) laparoscopic left adrenalectomy (Aug.2022) Whipple’s pancreaticoduodenectomy for early ampullary carcinoma (July.2022) BRANCHING RLN finding during total thyroidectomy (June.2022) BREAST HYDATID CYST (May.2022) THYROID CRCINOMA=TOTAL THYROIDECTOMY AND LEFT CERVICAL LNs DISSECTION (APRIL.2022) thyroid carcinoma=total thyroidectomy and left cervical lymph nodes dissection (MAR.2022) THYROID CARCINOMA=TOTAL THYROIDECTOMY AND LEFT CERVICAL LNs DISSECTION (FEB.2022) Anterior cystic artery encountered during laparoscopic cholecystectomy (JAN.2022) TOTAL THYROIDECTOMY=LARGE NONTOXIC MULTINODULAR GOITER WITH RETROSTERNAL EXTENSION (DEC.2021) 1SUPERFICIAL PAROTIDECTOMY FOR RIGHT PAROTID PLEOMORPHIC ADENOMA (NOV. 2021) PHRYGIAN CAP GALLBLADDER (OCT. 2021) RIEDLE’S LOBE ENCOUNTERED DURING FUNDUS FIRST LAPAROSCOPIC CHOLECYSTECTOMY (SEP.2021) SUPERFICIAL PAROTIDECTOMY FOR LEFT PAROTID PLEOMORPHIC ADENOMA (AUG. 2021) COMPLETION LAPAROSCOPIC CHOLECYSTECTOMY (JULY. 2021) LARGE TOXIC MULTINODULAR GOITER=TOTAL THYROIDECTOMY (JUN. 2021) OGD = HELICOBECTER PYLORI GASTRITIS (MAY. 2021) OGD = CHRONIC DUODENAL ULCER WITH PYLORIC STENOSIS (APRIL. 2021) Parotid tuberculosis mimicking parotid neoplasm (Mar.2021) Laparoscopic Left Adrenalectomy for Aldosterone Secreting Adenoma and Large Cyst coexist in the left adrenal gland (Feb.2021) Laparoscopic Splenectomy for Wandering spleen with chronic torsion in 16 year old female (Jan.2021) Sweat gland carcinoma of the neck with Lymph nodes metastasis (Dec.2020) Laparoscopic cholecystectomy for Gallbladder carcinoma confined to the gallbladder (Nov. 2020) GIANT JUVENILE BREAST FIBROADENOMA (Oct. 2020) Fundus First Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy 3 ports (Sep.2020) Sixth case of NON RLN encountered during total thyroidectomy (Aug.2020) Completion Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (July.2020) Large Parathyroid Adenoma (June.2020) Large Gallstone Removed Laparoscopically (May.2020) Conservative Total Parotidectomy (April.2020) Laparoscopic Supracervical Abdominal Hysterectomy LSH for large uterine MYOMA (Mar.2020) Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy – Report of two cases (Feb.2020) Conventional extracapsular excision of cervical Schwannoma (Jan.2020) Right Posterior Aberrant Sectoral Duct identified during Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (Des.2019) Management of Cholecysto-Doudenal fistula during Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (Nov.2019) Subvesical duct of Lushka encountered during laparoscopic cholecystectomy (Oct.2019) Nipple Sparing Mastectomy with Primary Implant plus auxiliary dissection (Sep. 2019) THE INCIDENTAL FINDING OF GASTROINTESTINAL STROMAL TUMOR IN PATIENT UNDERGOING LAPAROSCOPIC SLEEVE GASTRECTOMY (Aug.2019) LAPAROSCOPIC SLEEVE GASTRECTOMY AS A REVISION FOR A FAILED LAPAROSCOPIC GASTRIC PLICATION (July 2019) Choleduchocele (Type 3B choleduchal cyst) masquerading as Duodenal duplication cyst (June 2019) If You Remove Mesh For Any Reason, Do You send to Pathology or send to the Trash (May.2019) FOUR CASES OF PARATHYROID ADENOMAS PRESENTED IN THE SAME MONTH!!! AND OPERATED SEQUENTIALLY (April.2019) LARGE RETROSTERNAL MULTINODULAR GOITER OPERATED VIA CERVICAL INCISION (March.2019) Retrothyroidal intramuscular haemangioma (Feb.2019) The 15th Whipple’s operation by the same surgical team (Jan 2019) Unusual presentation of type IV Choledochal cyst in 8 years old boy (Des. 2018) Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Left Sided GB without Situs Inversus (Nov. 2018) Papillary thyroid carcinoma MISS DIAGNOSED as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis with thyroidization of cervical LN (Oct. 2018) Succesfull three ports laparoscopic cholecystectomy for left sided gallbladder in female patient with situs inversus totalis (Sep. 2018) Pneumo Omentum due to Verres Needle entry (Aug. 2018) Near Total Parotidectomy for Parotid Haemangioma (July 2018) Mirrizi type I Difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (June 2018) Solid Pancreatic Pseudopapillary Tumor Managed Laparoscopically (May. 2018) Succesfull laparoscopic treatment of cholecystoduodenal fistula (April 2018) Large gastric hyperplastic polyp in site of surgical gasteroenterostomy (Mar. 2018) Laparoscopic splenectomy for splenic TB abscess (Feb. 2018) Non Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve encountered during total thyroidectomy (Jan. 2018) Brunner’s galnd hamartoma (Dec. 2017) Laparoscopic management of Adrenal Pseudocyst (Nov. 2017) Pyloric Preserving Pancreaticodoudenectomy (Whipple procedure) (OCT. 2017) Laparoscopic enucleation of solitary pancreatic insulinoma in Al Najaf City in Iraq (Sep.2017) Blunt Pancreatic Trauma (Grade III) In 2 years old female (Aug. 2017) Laparoscopic left adrenalectomy for cortisol secreting adenoma (July 2017) Retrosternal Goiter (June 2017) Guidelines For Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair-A SAGES Guidelines (May.2017) Retroperitoneal Non Functioning Paraganglioma Simulating A Pancreatic Mass (April. 2017) Laparoscopic abdominal access (Mar. 2017) Breast Conserving Therapy BCS (Feb. 2017) Enteric duplication cyst (Jan. 2017) Concomitant Laparoscopic Splenectomy and Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (Des.2016) Chylous fistula after total thyroidectomy and radical lymph node dissection for anaplastic thyroid carcinoma ( Nov. 2016)