Total right parotidectomy for deep lobe adenoma with symptomatic facial nerve compression Total left parotidectomy for recurrent adenoma Superficial right parotidectomy Superficial left parotidectomy Right superficial Parotidectomy for Adenoma Right superficial parotidectomy Right Parotidectomy Right Near Total Parotidectomy Facial Nerve dissection during Right Parotidectomy Right superficial parotidectomy Right Superficial Parotidectomy Left superficial parotidectomy superficial Parotidectomy Total Thyroidectomy and LN dissection for Thyroid CA Right superficial parotidectomy Total Thyroidectomy for Ectopic Thyroid Total parotidectomy for large parotid lipoma in one year old male infant Total parotidectomy for recurrent parotid tumor Total excision of large cervical cystic hygroma LARGE PAROTID ADENOMA Superficial parotidectomy for Mikulicz disease parathyroid adenoma 3 Total thyroidectomy and lymph node dissection for thyroid carcinoma in young adult female Total thyroidectomy and lymph node dissection for papillary thyroid carcinoma in young male patient Total right parotidectomy for parotid haemangioma Total parotidectomy for recurrent right parotid adenoma Total excision of left submandibular salivary gland Sternotomy Retrosternal Goiter Right superficial parotidectomy for pleomorphic adenoma Right superficial parotidectomy Parotidectomy for recurrent left parotid mass(neurofibroma of facial nerve) in male child patient Parathyroid adenomma excision 2 Parathyroid adenoma 1 Non recurrent (right) laryngeal nerve encountered during total thyroidectomy Near total thyroidectomy for very large mulinodular goiter Lower neck lipoma Excision of right branchial cyst Excision of branchial fistula Difficult total thyroidectomy for recurrent multinodular goiter Dermoid cyst attached to thyroid gland Completion thyroidectomy in papillary thyroid CA in young adult male Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma total thyroidectomy and lymph node dissection